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Discover SIDI’s 2023 Annual report
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A look back at SIDI's 40th anniversary at the Cité internationale universitaire
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SIDI signs a new partnership in Colombia with Soluna Energia

Acting for a fairer world
and environmentally friendly

Give meaning to your money by becoming a shareholder of SIDI

Becoming a shareholder of SIDI

means joining a community of more than 2,000
committed shareholders and regain control
on its money, acting in favour
a model that is socially fairer and ecologically more sustainable.

It allows us to invest where others
others won’t

Thanks to our network of local partners,
we’ve been investing in developing countries for 40 years,
in difficult or at-risk rural areas, to support populations
populations excluded from conventional economic channels.
economic circuits.

It means giving life to the projects
of entrepreneurs and farmers
improve their living conditions

Partner organizations provide services
to vulnerable populations, aiming for self-reliance
and as part of an ecological and social
and social transition.


joint shareholders


years of existence


local partners
in 33 countries


of capital invested
by our shareholders

They testify

Our latest news

Hekima RDC

The M23 takeover of Goma: a direct impact on the population and the activities of SIDI’s partners in Kivu

For several weeks now, the Kivu region of the Democratic Republic of Congo has been experiencing another major crisis. The capture of the town of Goma by the M23 armed group, supported by Rwandan soldiers, has left the population into a dramatic situation: at least 2,900 people were killed on February 07, 2025, according to …

Welcome to Emmanuel Gagnerot, SIDI’s new Director of Operations and Partnerships

Could you introduce yourself and share with us what led you to join SIDI? My career path has been marked by a different kind of economy. I chose to work in the Social and Solidarity Economy sector, which enabled me to reconnect - without really knowing it at the time (!) - with a family …

Visite SIDI Beni Ghreb

SIDI trip to Tunisia: participants tell their stories

In Tunisia, we took part in a meeting of SIDI shareholders who had come to observe how their money is being used to help people, and to put SIDI's generous ideas of " supporting the poorest" in the context of complex day-to-day realities. In this way, SIDI has brought together a very wide range of …