In this anniversary year – SIDI is 40 years old! – we have decided to adopt a new visual identity, which we are delighted to present to you today.
At the heart of this identity is our logo, a synthesis of the two previous ones: remember the one with the hands tied and the one with our planet.
Created by a young graphic design student, the new logo uses the “S” link to emphasize the link that SIDI forges between shareholders in the North and vulnerable populations in the South, symbolized by the “i “s as two inseparable figures in a whole. SIDI is at the heart of what we call a “chain of financial solidarity”; in this chain, each link is essential and acts at its own level, for the general interest.
The logo features our two historic colors: dark blue and orange, which also marks our natural affiliation with our founding shareholder, CCFD-Terre Solidaire.