"*" indicates required fields

Organization details

Contact details

Commercial information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Target population*
  • Currency
  • Year N-2
  • Year N-1
  • Last quarter
Gross credit portfolio
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
Number of borrowers
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
Total liabilities (borrowings and deposits)
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
Total shareholders' equity
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
Operational self-sufficiency¹
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
PAR 30² + restructured³
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter
Year N-2
Year N-1
Last quarter

(1) Operating cash flow: (operating income) divided by (operating expenses + financial expenses + net loan loss provisions).
(2) PAR 30: is defined as the value of all loans with one or more principal payments more than thirty days overdue. This item comprises the total outstanding principal balance, including principal instalments due and still owing, as well as the principal balance of the loans concerned, excluding accrued interest. It also includes loans that have been rescheduled or restructured more than 30 days in arrears.
(3) Restructured: loans that have been rescheduled or restructured and are not in arrears.
(4) Write-offs : loans written off during the analysis period.

Demande financière

Quel type de financement souhaitez-vous ?*
SIDI will endeavour to reply within two weeks.