Al Majmoua

Financial inclusion
SIDI capital financing
SIDI loan financing
Country and/or business sector context

Lebanon has been experiencing a multi-sector crisis since mid-2019. This combination of economic, political and health crises (Covid-19) has pushed more than 80% of the population below the poverty line. The devaluation of the Lebanese pound, combined with the country’s heavy dependence on imports, is creating a situation of serious food insecurity. The country is bankrupt.

Partner impact

Al Majmoua is resolutely a high-impact MFI. Al Majmoua continues to play a key role in the country, despite the multi-sector crisis that is devastating the country. It is the leading MFI in the country for financial and non-financial services. It is the first MFI in the Middle East to provide financial access to Syrian refugees. It provides strong support for women, who make up more than 60% of its clientele, and for young people. It benefits from a very good brand image and has established strong links with municipalities, state services and local and international NGOs. SIDI, in consortium with ADIE, has set up a project – financed by AFD and the ACTES Foundation – aimed at supporting the agricultural sector with a view to ecological and social transition.