
Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI loan financing
Partner description

AOPP is a group of farmers’ organizations in Mali. It not only manages international cooperation programs, but also carries out representation and advocacy work. A long-standing partner of CCFD-Terre Solidaire, AOPP works with SIDI on the certified seed sector as part of a cooperation project co-financed by AFD. In particular, SIDI supports the structuring of regional umbrella organizations and the creation of a guarantee fund.

Country and/or business sector context

Mali is a poor country in the Sahel zone that is the victim of a conflict between the north of the country (Sahara), with its desert climate and strong Touareg culture (Berber nomadism), and the south of the country (savannah) where the majority of the Bantu population live around the basins of the Niger and Senegal rivers. Since 2012, the country has been split in two, following the incursion of Islamic movements which now control or threaten almost half the territory, creating instability in terms of security (latent civil war), politics (repeated coups d’état) and diplomacy (clashes between Russia and the West).

Partner impact

AOPP does the sometimes thankless but essential work of structuring the farming world in Mali. As a producer organisation, AOPP is run by farmers and is particularly attentive to the needs of producer organisations throughout the country. In the certified seed project, AOPP is working on both advocacy issues (setting up an interprofession) and the economic model of farmers’ seed organisations to improve farmers’ incomes.