
Financial inclusion
SIDI capital financing
SIDI loan financing
Partner description

ASSILASSIME is a microfinance institution with strong social roots. The institution, founded by Entrepreneur du Monde, targets people in situations of exclusion and/or extreme poverty, who have very little access to conventional microfinance services. It offers flexible and adapted financial products as well as socio-economic training in business management, family budgeting, health and gender.

Country and/or business sector context

“Because ASSILASSIME does not require collateral or guarantees, and offers low entry fees, the institution operates in a market segment that is little or not served by other microfinance institutions. The institution therefore targets very vulnerable populations in a low-income country, ranked 162 out of 189 countries on the Human Development Index.

Partner impact

In addition to targeting very vulnerable populations, ASSILASSIME pays particular attention to the financial inclusion of women, who represent ~90% of the institution’s beneficiaries. In addition, the products/services that complement credit – in particular access to savings, group training and individual support – have a high added value for beneficiaries.