Café Peru

Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI capital financing
Partner description

Café Peru is a coffee packaging and marketing company created by coffee cooperatives in Peru’s central “selva”. It offers small cooperatives a coffee drying, sorting and storage service thanks to the Pichanaki plant, and markets green coffee for export. SIDI is now Cafeperu’s main shareholder.

Country and/or business sector context

Peru is a middle-income country with significant natural resources, both mineral and food. Almost a third of the population lives in Lima. There are major inequalities between the urban areas and the Andean or Amazonian zones, where the majority of the population is indigenous. Peru is experiencing repeated political crises (5 Presidents of the Republic in 6 years, ten Prime Ministers in the same period).

Partner impact

Cafeperu offers a service that small cooperatives in the area cannot afford and aims to be a tool for the development of small cooperatives in the region, in particular by developing the social and environmental performance of its members and customers.