
Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI loan financing
Partner description

CENCOIC (CENtral COoperativa Indigena del Cauca) was born when a group of indigenous entrepreneurs decided to capitalize on the agricultural potential of the Cauca region by creating a solidarity-based organization for the direct marketing of indigenous production, particularly coffee. Over the years, the cooperative has diversified its activities: today, through its Clean Economy department, it acts as an intermediary and distributor between indigenous communities and suppliers of all types of products, and manages the health program for the area’s indigenous populations.

Country and/or business sector context

Colombia is a middle power, the fourth largest economy in Latin America. It ranks 88th out of 191 on the Human Development Index (HDI). The country suffers from major shortcomings in its infrastructure, due to historically low levels of investment and a difficult topography, as well as a problematic security situation caused by drug trafficking (especially in the Cauca Valley) and illegal mining. Finally, levels of poverty and inequality are extremely high. Coffee, flowers, emeralds, coal and oil are the main sectors of the Colombian economy. Colombia is now the world’s third largest producer and exporter of coffee (far behind Brazil and Vietnam) and the second largest producer of Arabica coffee (far behind Brazil).

Partner impact

CENCOIC’s social commitment to indigenous communities is very strong: in addition to coffee production and marketing, the Clean Economy and Medicines departments play an essential role in strengthening these communities. In addition, the cooperative regularly carries out projects with an environmental impact, such as collecting plastic waste from the fields and building drying tables for groups. Strategies are also being promoted to diversify the crops grown in association with coffee, with the aim of achieving a transition to agro-ecology.