
Sustainable agricultural sectors
Partner description

Norandino is a large cooperative based in northern Peru. It works in four sectors: coffee (packaging and export), cocoa (paste production and export), cane sugar, and reforestation (carbon credit) in several regions in the north of the country. Norandino develops farmer organization and agricultural cooperativism, and supports its members with technical assistance.

Country and/or business sector context

Peru is a middle-income country with significant natural resources, both mineral and food. Almost a third of the population lives in Lima. There are major inequalities between the urban areas and the Andean or Amazonian zones, where the majority of the population is indigenous. Peru is experiencing repeated political crises (5 Presidents of the Republic in 6 years, ten Prime Ministers in the same period).

Partner impact

Through its cooperative organisation, Norandino enables producers to come together to obtain better marketing conditions for their produce, with the aim of adding value through processing and the search for organic and fair-trade markets. Thanks to its technical department, Norandino channels substantial resources from international cooperation and the Peruvian government into investment for the benefit of its members.