Gebana Togo

Gebana Togo
Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI capital financing
SIDI loan financing
Partner description

Gebana Togo is a limited company that markets and exports soybeans and cocoa, exclusively with organic certification. Based in Lomé, the company sources its produce from 5,000 growers in the Plateau and Central regions.

Country and/or business sector context

Togo is heavily dependent on agriculture, which employs around 65% of the working population. Nevertheless, Togolese agriculture is poorly structured and underdeveloped, even though it contributes 40% of the country’s gross domestic product.

Partner impact

Gebana TG strengthens the value chains through its work with producers – technical training and awareness-raising on organic farming, field monitoring and advice, and assistance with the creation/training of groups. Combined with its high volume of activity, this makes it a major player in structuring sustainable agricultural value chains in Togo.