
Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI capital financing
Partner description

IKURU SARL is a community enterprise created with organized farmers in northern Mozambique to strengthen the value chains they have developed (corn, seeds, peanuts, cashew nuts, sesame) and improve their livelihoods by acting as a marketing platform for their products, in order to increase market access and generate income through the development of sustainable rural value chains.

Country and/or business sector context

Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. Half of its population lives below the poverty line, despite its considerable mineral (coal) and agricultural wealth and its hydroelectric potential. In 2021, the United Nations Development Programme ranked Mozambique as the seventh least developed country in the world according to the Human Development Index. Mozambique is also one of the five countries most affected by natural disasters. The country also suffers from an unstable political and security environment, particularly since the Islamist group Al-Shabaab launched its insurrection in 2017 in the Cabo Delgado region in the north.

Partner impact

IKURU was set up in 2003 to provide outlets for producers’ products and strengthen their market position in a liberal environment dominated by a few large, often foreign, players. Since then, IKURU has succeeded in bringing together nearly 20,000 producers, whom it has supported over time in their farming practices, and of whom around 6,000 are suppliers to the company. It also identifies partners and sets up projects to consolidate the supply chains in which its members are involved.