
Financial inclusion
SIDI capital financing
SIDI loan financing
20161118 084550
20161118 085629
Partner description

Nyesigiso (La Maison de la Prévoyance) is the country’s second largest mutual network, and was founded with the support of Quebec’s Caisses Desjardins. Initially set up in the agricultural area of the Office du Niger, Nyesigiso is present throughout the country (except in the north, where offices were closed due to the war) and welcomes the savings of 250,000 members. Nyesigiso mainly finances agriculture, but also the urban and peri-urban informal sector.

Country and/or business sector context

Mali is a poor country in the Sahel zone that is the victim of a conflict between the north of the country (Sahara), with its desert climate and strong Touareg culture (Berber nomadism), and the south of the country (savannah) where the majority of the Bantu population live around the basins of the Niger and Senegal rivers. Since 2012, the country has been split in two, following the incursion of Islamic movements which now control or threaten almost half the territory, creating instability in terms of security (latent civil war), politics (repeated coups d’état) and diplomacy (clashes between Russia and the West).

Partner impact

The network’s mission is “to make available, on a mutual basis, local financial services tailored to the needs of urban and rural populations in order to improve their living conditions”. The main activity consists of mobilising local savings and granting credit. Non-financial services such as training and advisory support for beneficiaries are also offered to improve customer support. Nyesigiso plays an important role in financing horticulture in Kayes and sesame and millet in the Ségou region.