
Financial inclusion
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Partner description

Vahatra – Malagasy for roots – is a microfinance institution based in Madagascar, whose mission is to combat extreme poverty in the central part of the island. The originality of its intervention lies in the fact that it combines savings, credit, social support and mutual health insurance services.

Country and/or business sector context

Despite its considerable natural resources, Madagascar has one of the highest poverty rates in the world: 70% of the island’s inhabitants live below the poverty line, 85% of them in rural areas. Madagascar’s economy is essentially based on agriculture. The country is also highly vulnerable to climate change.

Partner impact

Vahatra exclusively targets a population living on less than USD 2/day, mainly women, and agricultural and trade-related activities. The MFI supports its customers, both economically and socially, to improve their resilience. The association gives these poor people the opportunity to benefit from advice, training and loans, to enable them to develop an income-generating activity.