Viim Baore

Sustainable agricultural sectors
SIDI loan financing
Partner description

The VIIM Baoré Cooperative is behind the creation of over 400 Greniers de Sécurité Alimentaire (food security granaries) – community stores that buy and store staple foods in large quantities during the season when they are available, for resale at retail during the lean season.

Country and/or business sector context

“A ce jour, 08 unités de transformation de 05 produits agricoles principaux (riz, manioc, maïs, tomates, bananes) ont été mises en place dans le nord et le sud du Burundi (Rugombo, Gihanga, Maramvya, Nyanzalac, Kayogoro, Masanganzira, Ruyigi).
Les ventes atteignent aujourd’hui près de 280K€, en augmentation sur les 03 dernières années (VOIR ANNEXE 01).
La plupart de ces ventes se font dans les zones urbaines.
L’entreprise emploie 64 personnes (dont 6 au siège), dont la plupart travaillent dans les unités de transformation.

Partner impact

VIIM Baoré facilitates the setting up of granaries through its various activities (granting credit, facilitating purchases from suppliers, advising village leaders). In this way, the cooperative is greatly improving food security in the villages concerned in northern Burkina.