SIDI’s strategic plan unveiled

This issue of Carnets de la SIDI is devoted entirely to the main conclusions of the analysis of SIDI’s 2017-2021 strategic plan.

This analysis was carried out jointly by the team and the governing bodies, and also included an in-depth survey of the partners, who were invited to anonymously assess the team’s achievements over the past five years, providing SIDI with a demanding mirror on its actions.

Indeed, SIDI must be objective about the effects of its mission, all the more so as it implements a financial solidarity made possible by the conscious commitment of its stakeholders. This is why SIDI analyses its support to partners honestly and transparently, and checks that this analysis corresponds to their perception.

This notebook gives an idea of all the work we’ve done, particularly in support of the Ecological and Social Transition (TES). Over the past five years, we have shown that this is a fundamental issue for our partners, as we prepare for current and future ecological shocks.

Enjoy your reading!


cover page notebook n°15

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