SIDI’s 2023 annual report is online

Couv RA SIDI 2023 fr

2023 was a very special year for SIDI: we celebrated 40 years of existence.

  • 40 years of SIDI putting finance at the service of local economic development players in developing countries
  • SIDI has been financing and supporting local economic players for 40 years, working to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations and promote virtuous ecological practices.
  • 40 years of an innovative intervention model based on the principle of a chain of financial solidarity, linking citizens who want to give meaning to their savings, to partner organizations and their beneficiaries.

Despite the combination of multi-factorial crises, SIDI manages to carry out its mission by placing additionality at the heart of its impact strategy, and by working on three major mission objectives:

  • Promoting economic equality
  • Promoting poverty reduction
  • Supporting the fight against climate change

Let’s continue to invest in a just transition.

Great news for the FEFISOL II fund

SIDI is very pleased to announce that USAID  – US Agency for International Development – and Prosper Africa – US government’s initiative to increase trade and investment with African countries – have approved a grant for FEFISOL II to help the fund mitigate currency risk on its local currency portfolio.

FEFISOL II is the investment fund backed by SIDI and Belgian investor Alterfin. Managed by Inpulse Investment Manager, FEFISOL II is dedicated to financing African rural microfinance institutions and agricultural entities sourcing from small producers in Africa.

FEFISOL II is a highly additional fund focused on sub-Saharan Africa, targeting the poorest and most unequal regions, often deemed too risky by traditional investors. It aims to support vulnerable populations, particularly women and rural inhabitants, by financing microfinance institutions to enhance financial inclusion, reduce poverty and generate employment. The fund also supports small agricultural entities to strengthen agricultural value chains and improve food security. FEFISOL II offers flexible debt products to meet diverse financial needs, and provides technical assistance to strengthen organizational capacities and support their social missions.

This grant provided by USAID and Prosper Africa will allow the fund to further develop its microfinance portfolio in Africa, and support FEFISOL II in its efforts to raise capital for the third and last closing, targeting to reach a size of €30 million. With this grant, USAID, Prosper Africa and FEFISOL II aim to enhance trade, investment and the business environment across the African continent by strengthening agricultural value chains, creating rural employment, increasing local value-added markets, reducing climate change vulnerability and, ultimately, contributing to the continent’s sustainable economic growth.

USAID and Prosper Africa’s contribution complements other blending mechanisms secured by the fund in 2023 with DFC – U.S. government’s development finance institution – and the Aceli Africa program. Given the amplification and overlapping of risks in Africa, it is crucial to rely on such risk-sharing mechanisms for a fund dedicated to financing rural microfinance and smallholder farmer organizations.

Testimonial at the SIDI General Meeting: resilience and social impact of Financiera FDL

présentation Julio Flores AG SIDI

This year’s General Meeting was an opportunity for SIDI to invite one of its partners to testify. Julio Flores, Managing Director of Financiera FDL, came to present the activities of this microfinance institution (MFI) which operates in Nicaragua, the 2nd poorest country in Central America.

The fruitful exchanges between Julio Flores and SIDI shareholders continued the following morning with a question and answer session. This time allowed us to go into more detail about FFDL’s business and its formidable resilience in the face of crises.

The NGO Fondo de Desarrollo Local (FDL) was created in 1993 by the Jesuits, following the civil war. FDL’s aim is to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable Nicaraguans by providing them with loans, training and support services to help them develop their businesses, at a time when banks are not interested in this group. Financiera FDL has become the first MFI in the country and one of the largest in Central America. The institution mainly targets low-income people, farmers, breeders and micro-entrepreneurs in peri-urban areas. Thanks to its 38 branches, La Financiera has a strong territorial coverage, enabling it to provide 70% of its loans in rural areas, to populations with little access to credit.


Financiera FDL and its resilience to crises.

FDL’s growth was first slowed by the crisis between 2008 and 2011. In addition to the global economic crisis, an anti-MFI “Movimiento del no pago” (non-payment movement) has developed. It has led to a decline in the number of customers and payment defaults in the microfinance sector. FDL, despite a decline in portfolio and customers of around 50%, managed to restructure, before creating, alongside the NGO, the financial company Financiera FDL (FFDL) in 2016. To structure this financial company, FDL has chosen “international partners who share its vision”. As a result, SIDI became a minority shareholder.

A second crisis affected the country from 2018 to 2021. Politico-social conflict (murderous repression by the authoritarian regime) and economic instability led to a three-year contraction in GDP. Mass migration (10% of the population fled the country) was caused by persecution of civil society, including the Church. The number of FFDL customers has plummeted. This recession and drop in activity were exacerbated by the Covid crisis. Several MFIs have gone bankrupt, while FFDL’s portfolio has once again shrunk by 50% (more than $6 million in losses in 2018 and 2019)

FFDL overcame a number of challenges in order to emerge from the crisis: renewing its customer base, consolidating its portfolio and building up reserves. To support it, SIDI participated in the recapitalization of FFDL and made a 5-year subordinated loan (total outstanding amount of over €1.7 million in 2023). This second acquisition brings SIDI’s stake in FFDL to 4.4%. Backed by the support of its international shareholders, FFDL was able to negotiate with lenders to maintain its credit lines.

FFDL has achieved a spectacular turnaround. The portfolio has been growing since the end of the crisis, with a forecast +12% in 2024, which will enable us to recover the $6 million in losses recorded in recent years. All this has been made possible by the serious management and expertise of the company’s management team.


FFDL, an MFI with a strong social and environmental impact.

Nicaragua is one of the countries most exposed to climate change. The economy is partly based on cattle farming (54% of agricultural land), and the deforestation rate is the second highest in Central America. These activities are highly polluting and destructive, while severe droughts reduce agricultural yields by 20 to 40%.

Over the years, the MFI has developed a comprehensive range of support services for producers and breeders in the transition to agro-ecology. Support for producers in agro-ecological practices focuses on themes such as water management or arboriculture combined with animal husbandry. This technical assistance is paid for in part or in full by FFDL, depending on the customer’s standard of living.

To improve producers’ incomes and reduce poverty, FFDL supports product processing, such as packaging coffee for export. This on-site processing of raw materials by producers creates added value, reduces the number of intermediaries and enables them to sell their produce at a higher price, guaranteeing local producers a better income.

FFDL seeks to maximize its impact, and the results are there. According to an independent survey partly financed by SIDI, in 2023, more than 60% of FFDL’s customers will report an improvement in their standard of living. The structure adapts its loan amounts and terms according to customers’ needs. It grants loans from 14 months on average (for traders and businesses) to 36 months for agricultural activities. This earned FFDL a Microfinance Index award in 2023. (see related article).

FFDL has demonstrated impressive resilience, while maintaining a strong social and environmental dimension, with a focus on financial inclusion in rural areas and environmental protection.

For Julio Flores, “although SIDI is a minority shareholder, it is very much involved in FFDL’s key moments. SIDI’s active participation in FFDL’s governance through the involvement of a volunteer consultant (on its Board of Directors) is decisive”.

Discover SIDI’s 2023 Social and Environmental Report

Partenariat et pse en 2023

The Social and Environmental Report brings together figures and data on the social and environmental performance of SIDI and the partners it supports. Each year, it is presented to SIDI shareholders at the Annual General Meeting.

Social and Environmental Performance (SEP) consists of measuring how an organization – SIDI, like its partners – puts its mission into practice and achieves its social and environmental objectives in relation to the populations it targets. It complements economic and financial performance.

SIDI’s PSE guides the team’s actions at every stage of the partnership, from partner selection to impact assessments. By 2023, we will be supporting 124 partners in 33 countries.

As part of its social mission, SIDI has set itself three main objectives:

  • Promoting economic equality
  • Promoting poverty reduction
  • Supporting the fight against climate change

These three major mission objectives are complemented by a cross-functional strategic axis: maximizing our additionality. SIDI’s additionality strategy is at the heart of its impact strategy. SIDI’s ability to create additionality with its partners is essential to generate a strong social and environmental impact.

Once again this year, SIDI is responding to this ambition through two types of action:

Intervene where other investors won’t, by targeting areas where the need for financing is greatest:

  • 62% of SIDI’s portfolio is invested in sub-Saharan Africa.
  • 68% of SIDI’s partners are located in low-HDI countries.
  • 79% of partners are located in high-risk countries.
  • 65% of partners target rural areas

Adapting our offer to the needs of our partners:

  • 35% of the portfolio in equity investments (compared with 15% for other microfinance vehicles)
  • Long-term partnerships and loan durations tailored to needs: 39 months on average for loans granted to microfinance institutions (compared with only 29 months for other microfinance vehicles).
  • Financing amounts adapted to the size of partners: SIDI in particular has the capacity to offer smaller tickets (for example, 402 k€ on average for agricultural entities when other lenders offer an average of 990 k€).
  • A comprehensive range of support services: SIDI’s partnership approach is based on the complementary nature of financing and support.


SIDI favours structures with a strong social and environmental impact, mainly rural or mixed microfinance institutions, and agricultural entities that are mainly certified organic and fair trade. Their social vision is aligned with that of SIDI. It supports them in achieving their own social and environmental objectives, which in turn contribute to SIDI’s objectives.


Find all the data compiled in Bilan Social et Environnemental 2023

Discover SIDI’s 2021 activity report

The 2021 Activity Report is online!

The year 2021 was still very much marked by the effects of the Covid19 pandemic, but let us salute everyone’s commitment, which enabled SIDI to pursue its mission as a solidarity investor serving the financial and economic inclusion of populations excluded from conventional financial systems.

Discover the performances and achievements of SIDI and its partner organizations, all committed to ecological and social transition. Aware of the significant financing and support needs that remain, SIDI is fully mobilized to respond to the ever-increasing challenges facing the most vulnerable populations.

Let’s stick to our course and our ambition to promote socially responsible finance!





Publication of SIDI’s 2021 Social and Environmental Report

SIDI’s Bilan Social et Environnemental 2021 (Social and Environmental Report 2021) presents the key figures of its activity in favour of the development of inclusive economies, mainly in rural areas.


In 2021, SIDI is pursuing its mission as a solidarity investor and demonstrating the added value of its action.

It supports
144 partners in 36 countries: rural or mixed MFIs, agricultural entities mostly certified organic and fair trade.

It continues to target the most vulnerable:

✔️ 73% of partners are located in countries vulnerable to climate change

✔️ 73% of partners are located in countries with a low or medium HDI

✔️ 57% of partners are located in low-banking countries

✔️ 53% of PF dedicated to Sub-Saharan Africa

Empowering partners remains a priority:

📌 51% of PF is devoted to capital investment ;

📌 1/3 of loans are for more than 36 months

It reinforces the customized support provided to partners via three channels:

→ participation in decision-making bodies

→ personalized support

→ technical assistance

Find all the figures and data from the Social and Environmental Report 2021




[CP] EIB lends €5 million to FEFISOL II fund

[CP] European Investment Bank lends €5 million to FEFISOL II to finance Africa’s agricultural sector


Building on the success of FEFISOL, the first impact fund dedicated to the rural world in Africa, which closed in 2021, its two founders, SIDI and Alterfin, have been actively working on the creation of a new fund: FEFISOL II, created at the end of 2021.

Today, the EIB is announcing its entry into the capital of FEFISOL II for an amount of 5 million euros! This renewed commitment will enable the Fund to pursue and deepen its social mission.

FEFISOL 1 has had a considerable impact over the past decade:

– 86M euros disbursed, of which 93% in Sub-Saharan Africa ;

– 75% of average outstandings in local currency ;

– 92 customers financed in 25 countries;

– 139 technical support projects carried out for 51 customers.

FEFISOL II builds on FEFISOL I’s pioneering support for rural microfinance and the agricultural sector. The challenge posed by the lack of financing for rural areas in Africa, and for farmers in particular, remains crucial.

In Africa, less than 5% of loans disbursed by traditional financial institutions are earmarked for the agricultural sector, and less than 10% of farmers have access to credit. And this despite the fact that around 48% of the population depends on agriculture. Although it makes a major contribution to many African economies, the agricultural sector is still poorly served financially, as it is often perceived as too risky or not profitable enough.

Rural communities face multiple challenges: the remoteness of financing, but also the growing risks induced by climate change, as well as the financial inclusion of women, who represent 60% of the agricultural workforce in Africa without often being able to benefit from the same rights as men.

FEFISOL II is structured to provide financial and technical support for solutions designed locally to meet these challenges. FEFISOL II will be implemented in over 25 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, and is expected to support 130 microfinance institutions or agricultural companies and cooperatives sourcing from smallholders and certified fair trade or organic.

Other investors are joining FEFISOL II for a round of financing that will close at the end of March: the first investments will be effective from May!



The 2020 activity report is available online


A pioneer in solidarity investment in the South and East, SIDI publishes its annual report

SIDI offers its partners tailor-made financing and support, and thus works towards a form of finance that generates greater social and environmental impact, transparency and solidarity. A look back at the highlights of 2020 and our activities in favor of the ecological and social transition.





[CP] SIDI and Crédit Coopératif: a strengthened partnership at the service of solidarity finance

0001[CP] SIDI and Crédit Coopératif intensify their relationship for solidarity investment.


SIDI and Crédit Coopératif are pleased to announce the strengthening of their partnership in the service of solidarity finance.

By acquiring a stake in Inpulse Investment Manager, a microfinance fund management company and subsidiary of Crédit Coopératif, SIDI will be able to expand its range of services for its partners in developing countries. This will give SIDI considerable additional leverage to attract new investors via the impact funds it will be developing with Inpulse and Crédit Coopératif.

SIDI promotes finance that serves integral, socially just and ecologically sustainable development, based on the values of solidarity, trust, ethics and transparency. Its private and institutional shareholders give it the means to carry out its activities, and in return expect added value that is exclusively human, social and environmental.