Amara Kourouma

General Manager - Crédit Rural de Guinée
Crédit Rural de Guinée

Crédit Rural is a microfinance institution created in 1989 to compensate for the lack of financing institutions for the rural world following the closure of state banks.

It was one of the few projects undertaken by the Guinean government at the time to be successfully institutionalized as a credible financing structure. It remains the leader in its sector today, with a market share of over 50%, and is present throughout the country with over 1,000 service outlets, 600,000 beneficiaries, 800 direct jobs and over 1,000 elected volunteers.

Today, with a fully computerized network, products and services and fully digitized processes, CRG finances all income-generating activities in all sectors of activity and their value chains (from agriculture to trade, livestock breeding, crafts, fishing, transport, housing, catering, hotels, etc.).

CRG crossed paths with SIDI in the early 2000s, during the most decisive moments of its institutionalization, which had to meet the need for a microfinance institution that was not only economically sound, but also and above all capable of pursuing and maintaining social objectives on a sustainable basis. In this respect, SIDI’s contribution was considerable since it made it possible to provide the young structure with the skills, know-how and technical support needed to help it structure and consolidate in key areas such as financial management, human resources management, IT project management, etc.

SIDI then continued its assistance to CRG, this time by agreeing to acquire a stake in its capital in 2002, becoming the second major shareholder in the new limited company. In addition to this financial contribution, SIDI has continued to offer its good offices by successively appointing seasoned, relevant and knowledgeable executives as SIDI’s representative directors to CRG in order to strengthen its Board of Directors. In this way, SIDI’s executives have taken part in all the Board of Directors’ sessions, adding considerable value with constructive proposals and pertinent opinions, with real and lasting benefits for the running of the rural credit business.

To the shareholders of SIDI, please find the expression of our gratitude, the fullness of the thanks of all those who use and continue to use the Crédit Rural network as their livelihood and their hope. Despite the results it has achieved and the level it has reached, CRG still needs SIDI, and remains committed to serving the population excluded from formal financing, women, young people and new entrepreneurs.

General Management of Crédit Rural de Guinée