My name is Lulzim SADRIJA, CEO of Kreditimi Rural i Kosoves, LLC.
I was lucky enough to meet some of SIDI’s employees, who impressed me with their friendliness, professionalism and, above all, their sensitivity and commitment to social and environmental issues.
KRK is the institution created following a rural financing project in Kosovo set up in 2000 by ADIE International. The twofold aim was to secure financing for the rural population, enabling them to develop their farming activities, or to resume those damaged by the 1998/1999 war.
This rural finance project in Kosovo was set up thanks to funding from the EU and AFD. After a successful phase in the years 2000-2004, it had to be institutionalized in order to sustain an activity that is still very necessary for the country. In 2003, ADIE International contacted SIDI to ask for help in setting up this MFI, which would continue to operate in accordance with local laws. SIDI accepted the proposal and became a shareholder in the resulting structure, Kreditimi Rural i Kosoves, LLC.
SIDI’s shareholding in KRK has been very significant, as it has contributed significantly to :
- the creation of KRK, as well as KRK’s shareholding,
- helping to maintain our social mission,
- the creation of a suitable governance structure,
- the provision of experienced people on the Board of Directors and respective committees,
- additional financing in the form of credit lines,
- technical support as and when required, and exchanges of experience through presentations, discussions and other forms of exchange.
My SIDI teams play a special role in supporting the KRK, not only as professionals but also because of their high human and social virtues.
As a result, SIDI’s contribution has been, and remains, important to KRK’s mission of continuing to support disadvantaged, low-income customers with no access to banking services, who wish to generate income to feed their families and educate their children.
Since it began operations, KRK has distributed 173,000 loans worth 438 million euros, including 87,000 agricultural loans worth 200 million euros. KRK now has 23,000 active customers with a portfolio of €65 million.
There is no doubt that SIDI’s role in supporting KRK and its low-income customers with no access to the banking system has been, and continues to be, very important in this success story.
Thank you to SIDI for supporting KRK over the past 20 years. SIDI’s shareholders should be proud of the significant social impact SIDI has achieved by being an important part of KRK.