The teams
Nicolaas Heeren
Managing Partner
Anne-Sophie Bougouin
Director of Financial Strategy, HR and Administration
Joan Penche
Partnership and Operations Director
Operational team
Julie Torres-Szantyr
Capacity Building and TA Manager
Natasha Olmi
FEFISOL Portfolio Coordinator
Catherine Bellin-Schulz
Mediterranean Basin Investment Officer
Cristina Alvarez
Latin America Operations Manager
Jean-Marie Cavarroc
Southern Africa Investment Officer
Emmanuel Vuillod
East Africa Operations Manager
Jean-Baptiste Cousin
Mediterranean Basin Operations Manager
Latin America Investment Officer
Philippe Massebiau
West Africa Operations Manager
Johan Thuard
West Africa Investment Officer
Anaïs Dufour
Southern Africa Investment Officer
Mathilde Schmitt
Technical Assistance Officer
Dominique Passariello
Operations Assistant
Diana Murillo Solis
Operations Assistant
Iness Nouira
Operations Assistant
Jacques Afetor
West Africa Investment Officer
Junior Tombé
West Africa Investment Officer
Gabrielle Orliange
Madagascar Investment Officer
Jon Sallé
S&E Performance Manager
Ariane Bevierre
PSE Officer
Transversal team
Irina Krauch
Legal and Compliance Manager
Isabelle Brun
Communications and Citizen Engagement Manager
Laurent Chéreau
Knowledge and Administration Manager
Céline Vidal
Communications and Shareholder Relations Assistant
Erkan Karaoğlan
Finance and Accounting Manager
SOLUTI is an institution dedicated since 1994 to financing MFIs and agricultural entities in East Africa, which became a subsidiary of SIDI in 2019.
Priscilla Mirembe Serukka
Chairman of the Board
Paul Katende
General Manager
Cressy Musasiizi
Director of Operations
Anne Rose Namatovu
Director of Administration and Finance
Abel Tukamubona
Partnership Officer
Christopher Luyima
Finance and Administration Assistant
Déborah Nampewo
Accounting and administrative assistant
Joseph Odeke
Didas Karyaija Turya
Partnership Officer
Rogers Basirima
Partnership Officer
Denis Iutung
Capacity Building Coordinator
Volunteer consultants: a valuable resource for us
For the development of its activities, SIDI can count on the voluntary commitment of some twenty consultants.
Acting as a complement to the operational team, they considerably strengthen support to partners.
These former finance, agriculture and cooperation professionals contribute their expertise and availability to monitoring and supporting the organizations they support, notably through their participation in the partners’ governing bodies.
Join the SIDI team
Would you like to join the SIDI team and become a new link in our chain of financial solidarity?
You can also send us an unsolicited application.